Below is a grid of the historical images you’ve just seen. The word or phrase above each one is the original term used to describe it. Click on an image to learn more about its history, and to compare your answers with what other people said.
Once you’ve done that, please scroll down to the bottom of this page to leave us some comments and sign up to stay in touch. Thank-you!
Thank you
Thank you for taking part in What Are They Feeling?. We’d love to know what you thought of it. What was most surprising? How has it changed what you think about emotions and expression? How might you like to use the game in teaching or other contexts? If you have a minute to share your thoughts, then please fill in this comment box, and press submit.
If you would like to be updated about what we learn from this game, and to stay in touch with future developments at The Emotions Lab, then please join our email list too. But please do leave a comment whether or not you want to enter your name or email.
Website credits
The Emotions Lab has been developed collectively by the Queen Mary Centre for the History of the Emotions, with texts for individual emotions written by: Sarah Chaney, Thomas Dixon, Jules Evans, Richard Firth-Godbehere, Edgar Gerrard Hughes, Jane Mackelworth, and David Saunders.
Podcasts produced by Natalie Steed.
Website by Square Eye Ltd.
The Emotions Lab was made possible by support from the Wellcome Trust in the form of a Collaborative Award for the project ‘Living With Feeling: Emotional Health in History, Philosophy, and Experience’.