It’s the final episode of the series, but what have we learned about emotions past, present, and future? Thomas Dixon, Sarah Chaney and Richard Firth-Godbehere reflect back on what they have learned from the series, discuss what emotions might look like in the future, whether we should stop telling people “Your emotions are valid”, and what historians of emotion looking back on our era might think in a few hundred years’ time.
What will future people think about the roles of – for instance – psychiatry and social media – in shaping the ways we interpret and express our feelings in the 21st century?
Is there any reason to think that things will be any less emotional in the future, or that machines and AI will fundamentally change the way human beings feel?
Join Thomas, Sarah, and Richard to find out.
Thomas Dixon is Director of the Queen Mary Centre for the History of the Emotions, the author of Weeping Britannia: Portrait of a Nation in Tears (2015), and previously presented “The Sound of Anger” podcast series. @ProfThomasDixon
Sarah Chaney is a historian of nursing and emotions. Her most recent book is called Am I Normal? The 200-Year Search for Normal People (and Why They Don’t Exist) @KentishScribble
Richard Firth Godbehere is a historian of disgust – among many other emotions – and the author of a sweeping and scintillating book entitled A Human History of Emotion: How the Way We Feel Built the World We Know. @DrRichFG
“Living With Feeling” is produced by Natalie Steed for Rhubarb Rhubarb, and supported by the Wellcome Trust. It is brought to you by the Queen Mary Centre for the History of the Emotions.